I'm getting ready to enter my Senior year at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and after being here for three years, I've learned a few things about the school. It's very different than the big state-schools that a lot of my friends go to, and while I love being here, and would never want to go anywhere else, it's definitely not for everyone. 

Here are 7 things about The Fashion Institute of Technology that you should know before going:

FIT Florence: Complete Guide to Finding an Apartment

Finding an apartment in Florence is the #1 most nerve-wracking thing about the FIT Italy study-abroad program. Since there is no student housing in Florence, you have to find an apartment on your own, and that can be scary! Especially having to to it in under 3 days!

But don't get freaked out, it will all be okay! Many have done it before you, and there is a simple process that will get you a great apartment! Here is step by step what you will do, and some tips to make it easier!

Why Bloggers Should Connect Rather Than Compete

The blogging world is enormous. I'm talking MILLIONS of creators all over the internet trying to carve out thier own piece of creativity, and find success with it. And especially in the Fashion / Lifestyle / Beauty categories of blogging, competition can be fierce for followers, partnerships, and even stretches to who has the best designer handbag, or who is taking the most Instagram-able vacations...

FIT Florence: 7 Things To Do Before You Leave

The months leading up to studying abroad can be so stressful. Trying to anticipate everything you'll need and what to do to prepare can bring up so much anxiety! Take a few deep breaths and relax, know that it will all be okay. There are lots of things you can't control, but there are also a few great things you can do to prepare!

I rounded up opinions from a bunch of people I studied abroad with, and here's the list we came up with on things you can do to prepare before you study abroad!

Being An Introverted Blogger

Being a blogger and being an introvert are two things that don't really seem to go together. So why would someone introverted want (and love) being a blogger? 

This is something I've thought a lot about lately. Personally, I'm a huge introvert, and I sometimes struggle with social anxiety. But a big part of being a blogger is attending events, networking, and connecting with other bloggers and brands.

FIT Florence: What to (and not to) bring

Knowing what to pack can be one of the hardest parts when studying abroad. How much to bring? What will you REALLY need? Well I asked about 15 people who have all studied abroad in the FIT Florence program what they thought were the most important things to bring, and what to leave at home. Here's what they said!

I've been in my adorable little Brooklyn studio for about 4 months now, and it is honestly my favorite place I've ever lived. Yes, its pretty small. Yes, my gas oven takes at least 6 tries to turn on. But I love having this little, colorful, shoebox in the greatest city on earth that's all my own. 

You're never too old for a sleepover with your BFF. The difference is now, instead of flipping through Tiger Beat and sipping on sprite, you can shake up fun cocktails and stay up as late as you want watching netflix! And as fun as it is to hit the town girl your girl-squad, sometime's it's more fun to just relax and spend some quality 1-on-1 time with your girl. Here are a few ways to make your next Girl's Night In perfect:

Cafe Clover

After living in New York for almost three years, I've had a lot of brunch. I mean, A LOT. So I know my fair share of NYC brunch gems. When my blogger friend Tatum found this adorable West Village spot, I was immediately in love with the decor and the color scheme, and we came to find out that the food is even better!