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5 Reasons To Make Blogger Friends

5 Reasons To Make Blogger Friends

Audra Koch, Hillary Conheady, & Tatum Murray

I'm so lucky that NYC is filled with tons of amazing bloggers, and I've met some amazing girls while blogging in New York! All of the girls I've met create amazing content and are such nice, genuine, and inspiring people!

My first blogger friends, Hillary and Tatum, I met at a blogging event in September 2016, and after MANY brunches, coffees, events, and exploding champagne bottles on Instagram Live, these blogging friends have become real-life friends! Even better, my blogging circle keeps growing by meeting and getting to know new girls!

Audra Koch, Hillary Conheady, & Tatum Murray
Audra Koch, Hillary Conheady, & Tatum Murray

1. You Have Someone To Talk To

Blogging takes so much time and commitment, which means it often takes up a ton of our life. When I first started blogging, I would tell my friends or family about it, but since they're not bloggers, they generally get bored pretty fast or just don't get what I'm taking about. But with blogger friends, they GET you! They also spend hours into the night typing blog posts and curating thier Insta feed, and they're there anytime you need to chat!

2. You Support Each Other

Blogging can be a very competitive world. Who has more likes, who has more followers, whose getting the best partnerships.... blah blah blah. But instead of competing with one another, having a blogger friend group creates a community to support and encourage each other!

3. You Like The Same Things

In general, blogger girls tend to have similar interests, so once you're all sitting around a table at brunch on Saturday morning with mimosas in hand, it's easy to get the conversation flowing! We all love fashion, beauty, and getting that perfect brunch flatlay for instagram!

4. You Help Each Other

Whether you've been blogging for years, or just started, we all have little tips and tricks for blogging, social media, shooting, etc, etc. With blogger friends, you can pick thier brains for ideas on how to make your own blog better, and give them your knowledge on how to do something!

5. You're Always Up For A Brunch or Photoshoot

Finally, you can always count on your blogger girls for a fun brunch on the weekends, someone to go get blowouts with, attend a fun event or product launch with, or do an impromptu photoshoot with! They take blogging off the computer screen and out into the real world, and they're one of the best parts of being a blogger!

How to find your girls

Like I said, I met Hill and Tate at a blogger event, and if your live in a large city with lots of bloggers, there will be tons of them! Most of the time you'll bump into girls you already follow, and it feels like you already know them! (basically what happened with me and Audree) Others, like Katherine, I've just straight messaged on Instagram and asked them to go to brunch! There's also websites like Style Collective, which will match you with other girls in your area and let you know about events too!



Brooklyn Room Tour

Brooklyn Room Tour

