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28 Things To Do In The House During Quarantine

28 Things To Do In The House During Quarantine

28 Things To Do In the house during Quarantine

Being stuck in the house can get very boring very fast. If you’ve run out of things to do during your quarantine, I’ve compiled a list of 28 ideas to break you out of your rut!


Learn a language - Apps like Duolingo are great for playing on the couch, and my personal favorite, Pimsleur is a listen and repeat course that you can play in you headphones while you do other tasks! It’s $15 per month (free one month trial) but SO worth it!

Learn a new skill - Anything you’re interested in! There’s courses on sites like Youtube, MasterClass, Linda, etc on everything from calligraphy, cooking, social media marketing, photography, etc!

Learn a new recipe - Is there a recipe your mom makes you’ve always wanted to cook? Or something on Pinterest you’ve yet to try? Now’s the time! I have my eye on these Brie and prosciutto spring rolls I pinned to my food board

Clean / organize your home - Never too early for spring cleaning! Watch the Marie Kondo series on Netflix and then go nuts

Clean out your phone - Clean your camera roll, notes app, and apps in general!

Get all those ‘little things’ done - Make a list of all those little things. Bills to pay, that package you need to send back, the drawer you’ve been meaning to clean. And cross those suckers off one by one.

Clean out your closet - Declutter your wardrobe, (and make a little money!) Companies like ThredUp take your gently used clothing and sell it for you! You’ll have a cleaner closet, and a little more cash.

Update your resume - The job market is tough right now… so it never hurts to have an updated resume and cover letter ready to go!

Look through your subscriptions and cancel one’s you don’t need - I found out I as paying an extra $46 a month that I really didn’t need! That cash is important right now. Take a look through your bank statements and see where you can cut some things off.

Get your finances in order - Speaking of bank statements, get those finances in order. Some people love apps like Mint. I stick with a good ole fashioned Excel spreadsheet.

Listen to a podcast - Whether educational or entertaining, podcasts are a great way to learn something new and get your mind off things for a while. Some of my favorites are:

  • Getting Curious by Jonathan Van Ness : JVN has different topic and guest each week on everything from the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam to Snakes to LGBQ history

  • Superwomen by Rebecca Minkoff : Rebecca interviews various powerful women and opens up about business, family, and what its like to be a CEO and mom in this day and age

  • Dressed: The History of Fashion : Two fashion historians from my Alma Mater discuss everything from the insane life of designer Paul Poiret to the history of Cat-eye glasses.


Have a spa day/night - Pour some wine, grab a face mask and have a little pamper sesh! You deserve it! My favorite sheet masks are the Brightening or Clearing versions of this one, and grab this eye serum roller to pop in the fridge for 15-20 minutes and then roll on after a steaming bath!

Workout - Whatever your preference, moving does help you stay happy and healthy! I’m trying this 30-day yoga challenge on Youtube, but there’s tons of resources out there!

Leave positive reviews for products / businesses you love - A great way to support businesses you love during hard times! Leave positive reviews on Yelp or Google for local shops, restaurants, or small businesses and artisans that you like!

Take a walk - Get at least a little fresh air everyday. Take a walk by yourself or with a family member.

Take a bubble bath - Even if you don’t have a full spa night, a long soak in some bubbles (accompanied by Netflix or a good book) is incredibly relaxing

Paint your nails - Everything just seems better when you have a manicure, no? Perfect those at-home mani skills , even if it’s just filing and a clear coat! I’ve been doing my own gels at home for almost a year wit this light, and this base and top coat. (less than $25 for everything) You can use whatever gel polish you like, but I bought this set of dark to light nudes to start.


Watch or create TikTok videos - I’m having a blast both watching and creating on Tiktok. Come follow me over there and say hi!!

Try an adult coloring book - Bring back your inner kid and do some coloring pages! There’s tons you can print off the internet, or grab a book! I love this one of animals with cocktails or this one of famous Impressionist paintings for the art nerds

Paint - If you’re naturally talented, break out the paints! If you’re not (like me) try a paint by number! I just ordered this Paris cityscape, but there’s a simple agave plant, or pretty vases of flowers!

Try a new cocktail recipe - Wine is great, but why not shake up a fun cocktail for the evening? I have tons on my Cocktail Hour pinterest board, but I think next I’m attempting this bourbon rosemary cocktail.

Read a good book - Curling up with a book is always a good idea. some of my recent favorites have been The Lying Game, Sweetbitter, and The Only Street In Paris.

Facetime friends and family - Try to talk to at least one friend or family member everyday! You may be quarantined alone or with another person, but it’s important to stay connected with those you love!

Do a puzzle - They take forever and challenge your brain, what’s not to love?

Redecorate or rearrange your home - Put up that gallery wall you’ve always meant to or try out a new furniture arrangement! Changing your space up may make you a little less stir-crazy!

Play a video game - I have been VERY into nostalgic video games right now. If you have a PC, Zoo Tycoon is only $20 on Amazon, or pull out your old favorite! (Sims, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing….)

Plan a trip - Research shows just planning a trip releases positive chemicals in the brain. Pick a spot you’ve always wanted to go and plan the trip VERY specifically. Where you’ll stay, things to do, restaurants to go to…. It’s fun, and you’ll have a full trip planned for when we can finally travel again!

Write a letter - Sit down with an actual paper and pen and write out a letter to a family member or friend you don’t live with. Sure, it’s faster to talk to them over face time, but it’s way more fun to get physical letter in the mail, and you can keep them forever!

What are your favorite quarantine activities? Leave them in the comments below!



28 Things To Do In the house during Quarantine
28 Things To Do In the house during Quarantine
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